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Prometheus Metrics

List of metrics and their required labels
Metric Name Metric Labels Metric Description
txtdirect_redirect_count_total {host} Total requests per host
txtdirect_redirect_status_count_total {host, status} Total returned statuses per host
txtdirect_redirect_type_count_total {host, type} Total requests for each host based on type
txtdirect_fallback_type_count_total {host, type, fallback} Total fallbacks triggered for each type
txtdirect_redirect_path_count_total {host, path} Total redirects per path for each host

Prometheus Metrics

Metrics Labels

Label Name Label Description
{host} Host name in request's URI
{path} Path in request's URI
{type} Record Type (host, path, proxy, dockerv2, gometa)
{fallback} Fallback Type (global, to, website, root)
{status} Response's status code

Prometheus config

You can either use the default settings for enabling Prometheus metrics or the advanced config to provide a custom address and path for exporting metrics.

Enable Prometheus metrics

txtdirect {

Advanced config

txtdirect {
  prometheus {
    path /mymetrics