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TXTDirect uses Caddy's config controller so all the config files should follow the Caddyfile syntax rules.

TXTDirect's reads its config from the txtdirect scope in the Caddyfile. For example, using the following config you can tell TXTDirect to enable the host redirect type on the host and write the logs to stdout: {
  errors stdout
  txtdirect {
    enable host
    logfile stdout

Some of TXTDirect's features like Prometheus metrics or QR need to be configured separately. These features need to be configured inside a separate scope like the example below: {
  txtdirect {
    enable host
    prometheus {

These features are documented in more detail in separate sections within our documentation under the configuration category.

CLI Flags

Use the -conf flag to pass a config file to TXTDirect.

$ txtdirect -conf PATH_TO_CONFIG

If anything is not documented or needs more details, feel free to open an issue or contribute by opening a pull request.

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